Antonio Bellido Marin
May 19, 1945
"Antonio Bellido was born in Zaragoza (Spain). Since he was a child he has composed lyrics for events. During his youth he participated in various musical movements.
In 1992 he was director of an audiovisual company in his hometown. He was director of banking and promoter of corporate business in the BBVA group in Spain. Since 2005 he has worked as a promoter, composer, singer, writer of novels, short stories and screenplays, film director and actor.
He enjoys his favorite passion in the following disciplines:
MUSIC.- he has recorded 14 albums of varied themes being the promoter, composer and singer of all the songs.
LITERATURE, - All his works are thought to be taken to the big screen - for that reason he has written the novel and the corresponding cinematographic script -. There are 4 novels, 1 book of short stories, 1 fotonovela (taken to the cinema) and a project of script for TV series of which he already has 4 chapters of 50'.
CINEMA - His films of great worldwide success, with three of his titles: ""Trip to the Tax Paradise - Rumbo al Paraíso Fiscal"", ""Singnig to Love - Cantando al Amor"" and ""El Cantante de Jazz"", obtained (January 2021 to July 2022) more than 100 WINNING awards with their corresponding Laurels and Certificates"".