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1979 Born in Hamburg, Germany Art college HfBK and university Hamburg 2015 Adoption of the artist`s name Errkaa Since then several solo and group exhibitions 2016 Founder of the art gallery BUNKERHILLGalerie in the center of Hamburg. Organisation and curation of contemporary art exhibitions Short Movie „DADA on Vacation“, since then has won 11 awards at international film festivals 2018 Acquisition of an artwork of mine into a public collection 2022 Short movie „Culture Talk on the Radio“ has been completed and also the audio drama „Der Anstieg oder warum Camus` Sisyphos es auch diesmal nicht schafft“ which has made it to the best 8 audio dramas (longlist) at German Hoerbuchpreis 2023 (German Audiobook Awards 2023)2022 22/07/31 Short Movie "Culture Talk on the Radio"

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