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Sara Angius

The Italian performer and choreographer Sara Angius received her professional education at the Accademia Dance-Haus in Milan. At the same time she completed her studies of communication sciences of the performing arts at the State University of Milan. From 2013 she danced at Staatstheater Braunschweig in choreographies by Jan Pusch, Roy Assaf, Kathrin Hall and Ilka von Häfen. In autumn 2015 she also performed in the choreography "From IN" in the company of the Chinese choreographer Xie Xin, Shanghai (China). Sara Angius has won several awards for her own short choreographies at various international competitions. She celebrated her international breakthrough with her self-choreographed and danced solo "Start-watchers" with which she received the 3rd prize for dance and choreography at the 17th Stuttgart International Solo-Tanz_Theater Festival in 2013; with the duet "The Fish Bowl" with which she received the 1st prize at the 15th International Choreography Competition Burgos-New York (Spain) and the same piece was in the final round of the International Choreography Competition Hannover, Germany, and the International Choreography Competition Copenhagen in 2015. Her career as a freelance artist continued from 2017 in Braunschweig where she created the full-length piece "The Shape of Water", which premiered at the LOT Theatre Braunschweig. In the autumn of 2018, Sara was a guest choreographer at the DAF - Dance Arts Faculty in Rome, where she created the piece "Charming Monster". Before that she was part of the ensemble of the Biennale di Venezia for the project "Biennale College Danza 2018" under the artistic direction of Marie Chouinnard. In early 2018, Sara worked with artist and Charlie Chaplin grandchild James Thierrée on the elaboration of his creation "Frôlons" for Opera de Paris, which debuted in June 2018. In spring 2019, Sara choreographed the production "Mädchenmonstermusik" directed by Michaela Diku at Theater der Jungen Welt Leipzig. Her second own full-length piece "WALLPAPER", which emerged from various artist residencies in Italy and Germany, premiered at LOT- Theater Braunschweig in January 2019. As a dancer, she was employed by Portuguese choreographer Liliana Barros for the creation and premiere of the piece "Memorabilia" in September 2019. Over the summer 2019, Sara assisted for the third consecutive year at the Movimentos dance festival in Wolfsburg alongside the director of the dance company of the Staatstheater Braunschweig, Gregor Zöllig. January 2020 saw the premiere of her choreography "Sportomania", which she created on behalf of the Junges Staatstheater Braunschweig. In September 2020, she made her debut at the Theater der Jungen Welt in Leipzig with the choreography "Es war zweimal", a relaxed performance aimed at younger children and those who want to experience theatre in a relaxed way. In October 2020, Sara's latest production "LONO-The Woman Who Had Two Navels" premiered at the LOT Theatre Braunschweig. In November 2021, Braunschweig State Theatre's community dance project "Tanzwärts! Leichtes Gepäck" premiered choreographed by Sara. On 31 March 2022, the preview of her first short film "INCOGNITUM" by and with Sara Angius will take place in the cinema at Hallenbad Wolfsburg. In this work, contemporary dance, puppetry and cinematic illusions are seamlessly combined. Since February 2022, Sara is co-founder and curator of TANZKOOP Braunschweig, a cooperative founded by dance artists to strengthen the working structures of the independent dance scene in Lower Saxony/Germany, an initiative supported by Diehl+Ritter through TANZPAKT Reconnect 2022.

Sara Angius
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