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Fiction, Comedy, Drama, Ecology, Gastronomy, Romantic



Runtime, min


Covid Love is a short comedy by Dutch director René Nuijens. The film takes us to an intimate moment of Dick and Mary who meet each other for the first time during the Covid pandemic. An empty restaurant, a somewhat odd waiter and his strict measures make it a tough evening. Or will love prevail?
Rene Nuijens


Rene Nuijens

Film Reel
Film Reel
Film Reel

Selections and Awards:

FILM-FESTIVALS SCREENINGS: ‘COVID LOVE’ (last update 28/10/2022) 1- Official selected for the 2021 SHNIT WORLDWIDE SHORTFILM FESTIVAL, Bern (SWIT) 2- BEST DIRECTOR AWARD of the Vertigo Film Festival, month June '21, Milan (IT) ONLINE 3- Official selected for the CARMEL INTERNAT FILMFESTIVAL, Zikhron Yaakov (ISR) 4- WINNER BEST FILM & CAMERAWORK at Cibo Corto Cine Festival Int, Siracusa (IT) ONLINE 5- Official selected for the 2021 Galician Freaky Festival, VIGO (ESP) 6- HONORABLE MENTION at the 12th Underground Cinema Film Festival, DUBLIN, (IR) 7- WINNER bi-monthly online ABURD FILMFESTIVAL July/Aug 2021, MILANO (It) ONLINE 8- Official selected for the 2021 307 FilmFestival, Laramie Wyoming (USA) 9- WINNER BEST SHORT FILM at RIR International Comedy ShortFilmFest, Allariz (ESP) 10- FINALIST at the June 2021 STOCKHOLM CITY filmfestival, Stockholm (SWE) 11- Official selected for the 2021 CINEGO SHORTS ON THE MOVE 2021' (online festival) ONLINE 12- Official selecting at the 2021 MADRID INDIE Filmfestival, Madrid (ESP) ONLINE 13- NOMINEE at the LONDON Shorts 2021 Filmfestival, London (UK) ONLINE 14- NOMINATED at the Bright Future Independent Film Festival Gothenburg (SWE) ONLINE 15- FINALIST at the SEOUL International Food Film Festival (SIFFF), Seoul (KOR) 16- Official Selected for the 2021 BURIEN Filmfestival, Burien WA (USA) 17- Official selected for the 2021 DIGITAL GATE INT. FFESTIVAL, Annaba, (ALGERIA) 18- WINNER GOLD MEDAL at LONDON WORLDWIDE COMEDY FILMFEST, autumn'21, London (UK) 19- WINNER BEST SCREENWRITING at ROME Outcast Independent Film Award, Oct'21, (IT) 20- SEMI-FINALIST at the MAKE ART NOT FEAR FESTIVAL, Porto (POR) 21- Official selected for the CINECIBO Festival held at Cinecittittà Rome, (IT) 22- SPECIAL MENTION AWARD at BIG SYN FILMFEST21, United Nations Dept, LONDON (UK) 23- Official selected for the 2021 filmfestival CORTO DINO, Napels (IT) 24- Official selected for filmfestival FICMEC 2021, Nador (MAR) 25- Official selected for the LEUVEN Int. Kortfilmfestival 2021, Leuven (B) 26- Official selected for the SORIA Int. Short Film Festival, Soria (ESP) 27- Official selection Festival Internacional De Cine De Granada, Granada (ESP) 28- Official selection ECFF, Earl's Court International Film Festival, London (UK) 29- Selected at Cinema de Cine Fantastico de Canarias ISLA CALAVERA, Tenerife (ESP) 30- Official selected for the Anarchy Film Festival, London (UK) 31- Selected at the 75th Festival Internazionale Cinema di Salerno, Salerno (IT) 32- Official selected for FANTAELX, Elche International Fantastic FF, Elche (ESP) 33- Official selected for the 10th Veracruz World FilmFestival, Veracruz (MEX) 34- JURI DIPLOMA PRIZE at the DIOGENES INT. SHORT FF, Tbilisi (GEO) 35- Official selected for the Masters of Cinema, Moscow (RUS) 36- Selection at Colortape International Film Festival, Brisbane (AUS) 37- FINALIST at the Basilicata International Film Festival, San Fele, Potenza (IT) 38- Selected for SANFICI, Santander Festival Internacional de Cine Independiente (COLO) 39- FINALIST at the Star Film Fest 2022, Barcelona (ESP) 40- FINALIST at the Festival de cine Villa de Orgaz, ORGAZ Toledo, (ESP) 41- Official selected at the 2022 Resistencia Film Fest, TOMÉ Concepción (CHILE) 42- Official selected for the Bizarrya Short Film Festival, Porto (POR) 43- Official selected at Via Dei Corti,Festival Indipendente di Cinema Breve, Catania (IT) 44- Official selected for the MASTERS OF CINEMA, Moscow (RUS) 45- Official selected at Festival RNAB, Sao Paulo (BRA) 46- Selected for 5th Festival de Cine Interactivo Gavà Dates, Gavà-Barcelona (ESP) 47- Official selected for the 2022 Cap Spartel Film Festival, Tangier, (MARO) 48- Official selected for the VI Madeira Fantastic FilmFest, Madeira (ESP) 49- SEMI FINALIST at the Dumbo Film Festival New York, New York (USA) 50- Official selected at festival Desde Los Extramuros del Mundo Concepción, BioBio (CHIL) 51- FINALIST at VESUVIUS International Film Festival (March 2022), Napoli (IT) 52- WINNER BEST COMEDY & SUPPORTING ACTRESS at SEVIFF Sevilla Indie FF (2022), Sevilla (ESP) 53- Official selected for 24th MECAL PRO, at MACBA's Museum of Contemporary Art, Barcelona (ESP) 54- Quater Finalist at the Festival RENUAC, Santiago (CHIL) 55- FINALIST at the Bilbao Fantasy Film Festival, Bilbao (ESP) 56- Official selected for the Cherry Pop Film Festival, Zagreb (CRO) 57- Official selected for the VII Edizione Festival VIA DEI CORTI, Siracusa, (IT) 58- AUDIENCE AWARD WINNER at the 17th Der Phantastische Trashfilm, Kassel (GER) 59- Official selected for the 2022 Blacksphere festival, Javornik (CZ) 60- Official selected for Balticon Sunday Short Science Film Festival (BSSSFFF), Baltimore, (USA) 61- FINALIST at the 2022 London Independent Film Awards, London (UK) 62- Official selected at Giuria del Festival del cinema di Cefalù, Cefalu (IT) 63- Official selected for CAOSTICA 20, int. Shortfall Festival Bilbao (ESP) 64- 1 AWARD & 6 nominations at 2022 T.I.F.A. Tietê International Film Awards, Tietê, São Paulo (BR) 65- Official selected 2022 Festival de CINE en LAS MONTAS, Salento & Filandia (COL) 66- official selected for the 2022 Brittany International Film Festival, Locronan (FR) 67- official selected for the 2022 BERLIN FILMWEEK, Berlin (GER) 68- WINNER BEST INTERNATIONAL FILM at filmfestival FanCine de Lemos, Monforte de Lemos (ESP) 69- WINNER BEST CINEMATOGRAPHY at the 2022 Comedy FF TaSHORTfest, Barcelona (ESP) 70- Official selected at Festival Internacional de Cine Bajo la Luna, Islantilla Huelva (ESP) 71- WINNER BEST COMEDY at the HAMBURG FILMAWARDS season 3, Hamburg (D) 72- Official selected for the 8th FUNCINEMA COMEDY filmfestival at the MAR Museum of Contemporary Art, Mar del Plata (AR) 73- Official selected for Octavo Festival Internacional Cine En Las Montanas, Quindio (COL) 74- Official selected for International Humor Film Festival FINTCH at the Museu de Arte Moderna do Rio de Janeiro (BR) 75- SEMI-FINALIST at the Lit Laughs International Comedy Film Festival, Harrogate (UK) 76- FINALIST at the 2nd Edition of the FORUM FILM FESTIVAL Barcelona (ESP) 77-3 x FINALIST at Swindon Independent (International) Film Festival, Swindon (UK) 78- Official selected for the 2022 IMAGINE Film Festival, Amsterdam (NL) 79- Official selected at the 2022 KSSFFF, Kursaal Film Festival San Sebastián (ESP) 80- FINALIST at the Sicilymovie, Festival del Cinema di Agrigento (IT) 81- Official selected for Festival de Cine Fantástico de Canarias ISLA CALAVERA (ESP) 82- Official selected for CINEMA 4L, Monóvar Alicante (ESP) 83- Official selected for the 2022 Humour en Court Filmfestival, Pontarlier (FR) 84- Official selected at XXI Certamen Internacional de Cortometrajes El Pecado 2022, Llerena (ESP) 85- FINALIST at the 11th edition of Visioni Corte International Film Festival, Gaeta (IT) 86- Official selected at the 2022 Macabro Film Festival, Mexico City, (MEX) 87- Official selected for the Kursaal Filmfestival San Sebastian, San Sebastian (ESP) 88- FINALIST at B-RETINA, Festival de Cinema Sèrie B de Cornellà, Barcelona (ESP) 89- AWARD WINNER at the Picentia Short Film Festival, Montecorvina Rovella Salerno (IT) 90- Official selected for the KAAFFILM International Filmfestival, Milan (IT) 91- WINNER JURY AWARD BEST COMEDY at the 22 annual 2022 VALLEY FILMFEST, Los Angeles (USA) 92- Official selected for the 12th edition of Edinburgh short film festival, Edinburgh (SCOT) 93- WINNER BEST FESTIVAL FILM at the 2022 Muciara Short Film Festival, Trapani Sicily (IT) 94- Official selected for the 2022 GASTRO CINEMA. Alicante (ESP) 95- Official selected for the 5th Kiné Muestra Internacional de Cortometrajes, Puebla (MEX) 96- Official selected for the 13th FANGOFEST AMPOSTA, Tarrangona (ESP) 97- Official selected for the 9th Narrar el Futuro Festival de Cine & Nuevos Medios, Bogota (COL) 98- Official selected at the STUFF MX Independent Filmfestival, Mexico City (MEX) 99- WINNER BEST FILM at the 2022 Paella Film Festival, Valencia (ESP) 100- Official selected for Festival de Cortos Para Tiempos Largos, Pereira Risaralda (COL) 101- Official selected for Festival Internacional de Cine Universitaria Lanterna, Ciudad de México DF (MEX) 102 WINNER BEST INTERNATIONAL FILM at MOVIEMMECE, cinefestival della biodiversita del cibo e delle culture, Napoli (IT) 103- Official selected for the 2022 HA-HA-ART Filmfestival in Pombal, (POR), 1) -2021 BEST DIRECTOR AWARD of VERTIGO & MILAN INT. FILM FEST Month June, MILANO (IT) 2) -2021 HONARABLE MENTION at 12th Underground Cinema FilmFestival, Dublin (IRE) 3) -2021 WINNER BEST FILM & BEST CAMERAWORK at Cibo Corto Cine Festival Siracusa (IT) 4) -2021 WINNER BEST SHORTFILM at RIR International COMEDY FilmFestival, Allariz (ESP) 5) -2021 WINNER BEST SCREENWRITING at the Rome Outcast Independent FilmAwards, (IT) 6) -2021 WINNER BEST SHORT FILM at Digital Gate International Filmfest,Annaba, (ALG) 7) -2021 WINNER of the GOLD MEDAL at LONDON WORLDWIDE COMEDY FF, autumn, London (UK) 8) -2021 WINNER BEST INTERNATIONAL FILM at EARL'S COURT International Filmfestival, London (UK) 9) -2021 WINNER BEST SHORT FILM at the BALKAN NORDIC FF 2021 for Ringo Rocket Star, Stockholm (SWE) 10) -2022 WINNER BEST COMEDY & BEST SUPPORTING ACTRESS at SEVIFF Sevilla Indie FF, Sevilla (ESP) 11) -2022 WINNER BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR at Festival RNAB, Sao Paulo (BRA) 12) -2022 WINNER BEST PHOTOGRAPHY at Festival RNAB, Sao Paulo (BRA) 13) -2022 WINNER AUDIENCE AWARD at the 2022, 17th Der Phantastische Trashfilm, Kassel (GER) 14) -2022 WINNER BEST CINEMATOGRAPHY at 2022 T.I.F.A. Tietê International Film Awards, Tietê, São Paulo (BR) 15) -2022 WINNER BEST COMEDY at the HAMBURG FILM AWARDS season 3, Hamburg (D) 16) -2022 WINNER BEST CINEMATOGRAPHY at the 2022 Comedy FF TaSHORTfest, Barcelona (ESP) 17) -2022 WINNER BEST INTERNATIONAL SHORT FILMat filmfestival FanCine de Lemos, Monforte de Lemos (ESP) 18) -2022 WINNER JURY AWARD BEST COMEDY at the 22 annual 2022 VALLEY FILMFEST, Los Angeles (USA) 19) -2022 WINNER BEST FILM GRAND JURY AWARD at the 2022 Muciara Short Film Festival, Trapani Sicily (IT) 20) -2022 AWARD WINNER at the PicentiaShort Film Festival, Montecorvina Rovella Salerno (IT) 21) -2022 WINNER BEST FILM at the Paella Film Festival, Valencia (ESP) 22) -2022 WINNER BEST INTERNATIONAL FILM at MOVIEMMECE cinefestival della biodiversita del cibo e delle culture, Napoli (IT)


COVID LOVE is a delightful short film that captures the essence of romance during the pandemic. René Nuijens did a wonderful job of portraying the awkwardness and the tenderness of two strangers meeting for the first time in an empty restaurant. The chemistry between the two leads, Dick and Mary, is palpable, and their interactions are both heartwarming and funny. Despite the challenging circumstances, the film reminds us that love can indeed prevail even in the midst of a pandemic.

Ethan Wilson

A charming and witty short comedy that captures the awkwardness and intimacy of a first date during the Covid pandemic. The film's setting in an empty restaurant, combined with the somewhat odd waiter and his strict measures, create a unique and humorous atmosphere. The chemistry between the two leads, Dick and Mary, is undeniable, and the film leaves viewers wondering whether love will indeed prevail. Overall, COVID LOVE is a delightful and timely film that will leave audiences with a smile on their face.

Caleb Dubois

A perfect pandemic rom-com - charming, witty, and just the right amount of absurd. The chemistry between Dick and Mary is infectious, even if they can't be. The oddball waiter and his overzealous Covid measures add an extra layer of hilarity to this already delightful short film. You'll laugh, you'll swoon, and you'll remember to always bring your own hand sanitizer on a first date.

William Brown

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