Fiction, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Future, Science Fiction, Work
Runtime, min

Selections and Awards:
The screenwriter’s journey was so relatable. Her struggle for recognition felt very real.
Jennifer Wang
This film made me think about how technology is changing creativity. It’s both exciting and a little scary.
Miguel Garcia Ruiz
The concept was so original. I’ve never seen anything like this before in a film.
Natalia Gonzalez Ruiz
I loved how the film explored the tension between human creativity and artificial intelligence. It was so relevant to today.
Álvaro Lucas
Humormatic as a character was surprisingly engaging. It had a personality that was both annoying and endearing.
Federico Grün
The film was funny, but it also had a lot of heart. I wasn’t expecting it to be so moving.
Sabrina Badran
The concept of a machine writing jokes was both hilarious and unsettling. It felt so timely and relevant.
Tomas Corbani